Tuesday, August 12, 2008

House full of sickos!

Yep...that's right! Nathan came down with a high fever Sunday morning which also included being dizzy, nauseated, a sore throat, stomachache, headache and an earache. Yay for me! He slept most of the day though and first thing Monday morning I made him an appointment with the doctor. So, we heaad to the doctor yesterday and low and behold we get there and guess who's is not feeling well?? Sami! She complains of being dizzy and nauseated....ugh! Here it goes....it's going to be passed around to everyone in the family. The doctor writes three prescriptions for Nathan which Sami can take also. We go home, I completely lysol the whole house!

Today, they had to miss their swimming lessons which they were bummed about but I am not letting them go anywhere until this is over. Plus now, Lauren is coming down with a cough, conjestion and runny nose.

On another note, Lee got a postion at work that he wanted and a pay raise to go with it! So we are excited about that. The only thing that stinks is that he will work seven days a week now and that doesn't leave much time to spend with the family. But we will live and we all have to make sacrifices sometimes and this is definitely a good one!

Bye now.... :)

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